Tara McGeehan

President UK and Australia, CGI

Mattie Yeta

Chief Sustainability Officer UK and Australia, CGI




Miguel Alejandro Naranjo Gonzalez

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Secretariat



“ Research and collaboration between business, academia and other actors such as NGOs and governments are very important in our fight against climate change, including for mitigation and adaptation




Professor Ashiq Anjum

Professor of Distributed Systems and Director of Enterprise and Impact, School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences University of Leicester

Professor Nick Antonopoulos

Deputy Vice Chancellor and Vice Principal of Research & Innovation, Edinburgh Napier University

John Bishop

Founder and CEO of Evolve Education

Petronella Chaminuka, PhD

Impact and Partnerships Division Lead in South Africa’s Agricultural Research Council (ARC), Agricultural Research Council (ARC)

Dr Leanne Cullen-Unsworth

Chief Executive Officer and Charity Co-Founder, Project Seagrass

Professor Sebastian Farnaud

Professor of Enterprise, and Innovation in Healthcare Technology, in the Institute of Health and Well-being of Coventry University

Dr Russell Lock

Senior Tutor at Loughborough University and Reader in Information Modelling in the Department of Computer Science

Donna Lyndsay

Strategic Market Lead for Environment and Sustainability, Ordnance Survey

Stephen Marland

Director for Innovation and Strategy,  AiDash

Dr Aleksandar Radu

Associated Professor in Chemistry, University of Lincoln

Dr Ernesto Saiz Val

Lecturer in Environmental Science, Teeside University

Gaby Sealy

Corporate Partnerships Manager, National Autistic Society

Claire Shrewsbury

Director Insights and Innovation, WRAP

Dr Richard Unsworth

Charity Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Officer, Project Seagrass and Associate Professor at Swansea University

Naomi Weir

Programme Director of Innovation and Industry Expert

Andy Whyle

Guest lecturer at University College London and Harper Adams University, covering Circular Economy and Sustainability










To join the SEEDS programme please contact

Nat Weaver