Cyber security is part of everything we do

We have over 1,700 cyber security experts globally with one of the largest cyber security practices in the UK helping clients manage complex security challenges with a business-focussed approach, protecting what is most valuable to them.

Ensuring organisations are resilient against cyber-attacks and protecting data accordingly has become one of the most important challenges facing senior management.

CGI Cyber Security – Assess, protect and operate with confidence

Cyber Security Services

We work with leading organisations across commercial and government sectors in the UK, Canada, USA, Australia and Europe.

We understand security from all angles - technology, business and compliance. Our specialists build cyber security into business to drive agility, efficiency and competitive advantage. Our services enable innovation and help organisations with privacy and business resiliance. 

Here are some of our cyber security offerings, if the service you require is not listed please contact us directly.

Assess the risk
Protect the business

Helping clients to build in security early, and test its ongoing effectiveness- securing the systems an organisation relies on to operate and grow.

Operate with confidence

Helping clients to monitor prevent and respond to security attacks in a reliable and cost effective way.

Be part of our story

Our multi-skilled team delivers 360° security for our clients, keeping people and the systems they rely on safe from harm. Join us and be part of securing digital transformation that changes lives. 

See current availabilities

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Careers in Cyber Security