The new office is part of our continued investment in the UK’s space sector, as well as adding the city to our network of offices across the UK to ensure we are based in the same communities as our clients.

Our team based at Space Park Leicester will be working on earth observation apps programmes, space ground segment software and systems, as well as satellite communications and mobile apps.  This will include developing and using CGI GeoData360 in many industry markets.

Tara McGeehan, UK and Australia President at CGI, said: “Space Park Leicester brings together industry partners and academia to help advance the UK’s thriving space industry.  Our investment in the Park will help us build on our mission-critical IT systems that are used to support both commercial and defence upstream space clients as well as supporting our clients in other industries based in the area, including those making downstream use of space data.”


Find out more - Read Space Park Leicester’s full press release.

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