At CGI in the UK, we believe that business is obliged to act responsibly, a belief which is realised across our organisation. As we expand and diversify our social impact approach, we are determined to remain focused on our founding concept – inspiring and supporting people’s potential to change.

We are issuing our first social impact report to summarise our vision for 2030, outlining our mission to unite our employees (members), technology, clients and partners. We have made social sustainability a key priority in our three-way approach: future fit for communities, future-fit for CGI members; and future fit for our operations and supply chain.

Accelerating the ‘S’ in ESG

Within this report, we set out how we create opportunities and continue to build a diverse workforce and culture. Our future-fit for members will be built on engaging, attracting, and developing diverse talent while ensuring the wellbeing of our workforce. We will continue to hold ourselves and our suppliers accountable for meaningful improvements in the communities in which we operate.

Our success in harnessing technologies depends on the creation and maintenance of effective partnerships to enable a future that realises the potential of innovation for social impact. Our expertise and support drive better education, health and growth opportunities for underrepresented groups in the digital economy.

At CGI, we believe that addressing sustainability is important for creating long-term value and recognise that our key stakeholders expect us to act now to safeguard our future. We are proud to present the measures and steps we have undertaken to ensure our organisation plays a key role in ensuring the transition to a sustainable future.


CGI UK Social Impact Report 2022



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