Last summer, CGI installed photovoltaic solar panels on the roof of our Waterton office in Bridgend, helping to support the use of responsibly sourced energy and to help achieve our goal for our UK sites to be powered by 100% renewable electricity by 2025. Over the course of one year, as a direct result of the first solar panel installation, CGI has seen 85 tonnes of carbon emission savings. Overall, 94% of  electricity purchased for the whole CGI UK estate in FY2021 was from 100% renewable sources.

With sustainability being at the heart of our operations, we undertook a project to add further solar panels to the site which has provided an additional 50kw of solar energy. The completed expansion makes the Waterton office home to the largest solar panel system on a commercial building in Wales with a total of 390KWP of solar energy now on site.


Solar panels on roof of CGI Waterton office


At CGI we are proud to be a Responsible Business and are committed to a more inclusive and sustainable world for future generations. CGI has committed to reach net zero carbon emissions for our own UK operations by 2026 and, we have set 1.5 degree aligned science-based targets (SBTs) validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). For more information on progress to date, please see our latest CGI UK GHG Emissions Report.