What is ISO 26000 and why it matters for our business

At CGI, we are committed to integrating sustainability at all levels of our organisation and unlocking the business value of organisational sustainability. To achieve this, we need guidance and consultation from international standards such as ISO 26000. ISO 26000 is a voluntary standard that provides comprehensive and concise guidelines on how organisations can be socially responsible. It covers a wide range of issues, from human rights to environmental responsibility, and aligns with the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals. By following ISO 26000, we can ensure that we contribute to sustainable development, take into account the expectations of our stakeholders, comply with applicable laws and international norms, and practice ethical behaviour throughout our organisation and in our relationships.

How we have applied ISO 26000 and embedded its principles into our activities

We have used ISO 26000 as a tool to assess our current performance and identify areas for improvement. We have also developed a management system that incorporates the seven principles of ISO 26000: organisational governance, human rights, labour practices, the environment, fair operating practices, consumer issues, and community involvement and development. These principles guide our decision-making processes and structures, policies and procedures, risk management, reporting, and stakeholder engagement and communication. We have integrated ISO 26000 into our core business processes, such as project management, procurement, innovation, and quality assurance. We continue to train our partners and suppliers on the importance and benefits of social responsibility and encouraged them to adopt ISO 26000 in their operations.

How ISO 26000 benefits us and those in our supply chain

By implementing ISO 26000, we have gained a competitive edge in the market and enhanced our reputation as a trusted and responsible partner. We have also improved our operational efficiency and effectiveness, reduced our costs and risks, increased our customer satisfaction and loyalty, and strengthened our employee engagement and retention. We have contributed to the well-being of society and the environment, by respecting human rights, promoting fair labour practices, protecting natural resources, ensuring ethical conduct, delivering safe and quality products and services, and investing in the communities in which we operate. We continue to help our suppliers and customers to improve their social responsibility performance and align with our values and standards.
How we can support you to implement ISO 26000

If you are looking for a partner who can help you implement ISO 26000 and become a more socially responsible organisation, we are here for you. We have the experience and expertise to offer you the support you need, from gap assessments and programme design - to documentation, reviews, pre-assessments and continual improvement. Implementing ISO26000 will help improve relationships with stakeholders, customers, suppliers and staff. The financial community is rapidly aligning with socially responsible investing in companies that have positive social impacts.  

We can help you understand the requirements and benefits of ISO 26000. Our support will help you develop and document a management system that reflects your principles, review and improve your current practices and processes and prepare for external verification and recognition. By working with us, you will increase your chances of winning further business, and demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.