The traditional help desk has transformed to become a service centre, and at the heart of this transformation is end user experience.

A help desk has always been the first view of IT that any end user experiences, and with the huge range technology that has permeated every aspect of our personal and working lives, end users now expect the most convenient, efficient IT experiences to be enabled and supported by world-class service centres.

Our Advisory experts have combined their knowledge and experience of operating the CGI UK 5 star accredited service desk to develop our Digital Services Support Centre proposition, with all the solutions to address your customer services challenges. There's a reason that our service desk's average customer satisfaction score is >93%, so why not let us help your organisation on its journey to providing world-class end user support?

To find out more about The Digital Backbone’s Digital Services Support Centre proposition, please read the PoV or contact Steve Nunn and Chris de Souza.