Our services provides the insight to detect and act on suspicious events, in real time, 24 hours a day.

Our Protective Monitoring Service collects and centrally aggregates security event logs from a wide variety of sources. It triages events in real-time and identifies malicious activities and attack patterns based upon specific customised criteria, appropriate to your environment. We operate from two UK Cyber defence centres, monitoring, alerting and responding to threats 24x7 all year round for a range of Government and industry clients, using our expertise, technology and skills to deliver cyber security protection.


  • Transfers responsibility for cyber security monitoring to a managed security service provider with over 40 years of experience in managing risk efficiently and effectively.
  • Avoids the cyber security skills gap and any worries about recruiting, training and retaining staff, with access to over 1,700 cyber security professionals operating within 10 global security operation centres (SOCs).
  • Takes care of all your day-to-day monitoring requirements.
  • Delivers industry-standard protective monitoring via SIEM technology and adheres to Government mandated Protective Monitoring standards such as NCSC, MITRE ATT&CK and GPG13.
  • Provides robust security with all data stored and processed on shore in the UK.
  • Offers a cost-effective way to free up internal resources to other projects and focus more on your core business activities.
  • Customise your service to fit your budget with flexible and scalable ‘per-device’ pricing and a choice of coverage, from core business
  • hours to 24x7x365.

Why you need to take action

The cyber threat landscape continues to evolve with new, innovative and varied attack methods adapting to their chosen targets environments and driving the threat world into new areas. The risks to your organisation from cyber security incidents is real, and attacks regularly cause significant damage to the performance and reputation of many organisations.

Protective monitoring helps you identify issues and rectify them before they do serious damage to your organisation. It overlays and augments traditional defences with critical sources of information, improving network visibility and security.

How CGI’s Protective Monitoring

Service works

There are three primary elements to our Protective Monitoring Service:

  • Collecting the data
  • Joining the dots
  • Triage

We also offering additional levels of services, we tailor it to your business needs.

Find out more by downloading the CGI’s Protective Monitoring Overview Service brochure.