Network Rail owns, repairs, and develops the railway infrastructure across England, Scotland and Wales, running a safe, reliable and efficient railway to support Great Britain’s economic prosperity. Looking to improve its digital communication frameworks and empower teams, Network Rail engaged CGI to develop five new internal SharePoint sites.

The key goal was to create a more user-friendly system that would streamline internal engagement, enhance resource sharing, and empower teams to manage and update their sites independently.

As a Microsoft Solutions Partner and Global Managed Services Provider, Network Rail therefore looked to CGI for a comprehensive solution.

Our work included:

  • A thorough assessment of the existing communication framework to identify areas for improvement.

  • Creating customised sites for Network Rail’s focus areas, with on-brand assets and a strong focus on UI and UX ensuring the sites were functional, intuitive, and engaging.

  • Training team members, empowering them to manage their sites.

Woman sits on train looking at mobile phone
Better UX, improved internal engagement and streamlined resource sharing
Teams feel empowered to independently manage and develop their sites
smiling train passenger

To learn more about how we helped Network Rail improve internal experiences for its employees:


Read the case study


If you’d like to explore how our Advisory Services team can help your organisation achieve long-term growth and success:

Explore our Digital Backbone approach or contact Sean Sadler.