Join us at this year’s AGI GeoCymru Conference in Wales on 10th October 2023, 9am – 4:30pm at the Glamorgan County Cricket Club, Sophia Gardens, Cardiff.

During the conference, a wide variety of topics on Climate Change in Wales will be explored amongst the geospatial community and industry experts.

As a gold sponsor of the event, CGI will be hosting a stand where you can come along to find out more about the innovative work we are delivering to support climate change as well as have the opportunity to join a presentation led by CGI’s Chief Sustainability Officer, Mattie Yeta.

During the presentation, Mattie Yeta will be discussing CGI’s Sustainability Exploration Environmental Data Science (SEEDS) programme, helping to drive research to develop transformational new technologies and solutions for climate change and biodiversity. As part of this programme, we delivered a project in partnership with the Ordnance Survey to remotely detect sewage overspill events from space using Artificial Intelligence to map where incidents of pollution have taken place over a period of time using our CGI GeoData360 platform.

  • Find out more and register your place here