We are delighted to be taking part in this year’s Connected Communities Conference as a strategic partner of KPMG on their nominated day - 27 May 2021.

The one day conference is part of the StartmeupHK Festival 2021 taking place from 24 - 28 May. You can join the Connected Cities Conference on 27 May and learn more about how smart and connected cities around the world are using the latest technologies and finding more innovative solutions for smarter, greener city living.

Our Emerging Technology team will be taking part in the event, and as sponsors we are also hosting a fireside session with one of our Emerging Technology (ET) Ecosystem partners, UnifAI Technology. Our joint session, ‘Tech solutions for cities and climate resilience’ will be an informal discussion on what a smart city looks like, what the best supporting technology looks like and examples.

As part of our Smart cities and connected communities offering, our ET practice helps to enable citizen centricity through data driven services and insights. We are able to help organisations realise their smart ambitions and unlock value to deliver innovative and sustainable smart cities and connected communities.

Connected Cities Conference Banner


For more information on the Connected Communities Conference, to register or to find the event agenda, please visit the event page.