Our Digital Transformation proposition is a good starting point to help transform your water company into the lean and competitive company that it needs to be. The many repetitive processes required by this market make this a good opportunity to introduce robotics. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solutions will help companies optimise their processes and reduce operating costs. In our approach to Customer Journey Analysis, we assess the “as-is” journey and identify any friction points. This allows us to map out the required “to-be” process, identify any capability gaps and technology enablers and shift contact through digital channels. All retailers and wholesalers need to be able to exchange operational information. This is critical to the smooth running of the operational processes and enhanced customer experience. Our COP enables this by providing a common portal that can be used by all market participants. Retailers will have a single, standard interface to all wholesalers and it provides a single channel for wholesalers to disseminate information to retailers. Integration with market data allows validation at the point of entry and the pre-filling of forms. This will aid the smooth running of operational processes, and support data-quality improvement. The COP will also support a streamlined customer journey. In the new market it is essential that data is of the highest quality. Poor-quality data could mean loss of revenue for market participants. From a customer perspective, poor data could slow down the switching process and disappoint them. We use our data-quality improvement process coupled with the experience we gained in building the CMOS data sets to help our clients build quality and gain insight from their market data