Top trends and priorities focus on technology acceleration, improving the customer experience and IT modernisation

We met with 35 consumer services executives to understand their top priorities and how they are readying for the key trends shaping their organisations. Executives identify technology and digital acceleration as the most impactful macro trend. Improving the customer experience is the number one business and IT priority, which executives plan to support through IT modernisation and actionable data.


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Technology is driving transformation
82% of executives cite the high impact of technology and digital acceleration

Business models need to be more agile
Only 25% of executives say they have highly agile business models to address digitisation

Changing social demographics transforms consumer demand
67% of executives cite the high impact of social demographic change

Inflation drives optimisation strategies
Executives identify optimising prices and reducing costs as the top 2 measures to address macroeconomic impacts

Better customer experience and data-driven operations rely on better IT
IT modernisation is the #2 IT priority, yet, only 4% are fully operational with it.

Consumer services VOC -Key findings

When comparing insights from the 59% who are operational or producing results from digital strategies (digital adopters) to those building or launching digital strategies (digital aspirants), common attributes emerge.

Digital adopters in consumer services recognise the high impact of digitisation on their business models and rely on close alignment between business and IT operations. They are also further ahead with IT modernisation and cyber security and have more mature organisational strategies to leverage data and digitalisation.

Comsumer services attribute 1

Have highly aligned business and IT operations to support strategy execution

Digital adopters


Digital aspirants


Comsumer services attribute 2

Are implementing or fully operational with the IT priority of IT modernisation

Digital adopters


Digital aspirants


Consumer services attribute 3

Have a mature organisational strategy to leverage data and digitalisation

Digital adopters


Digital aspirants



Integrate digital into everything
by evolving from aligning business and digital strategies to fully integrating digital into business processes.


Embrace innovation—especially intelligent automation—as a journey
exploring various enablers to take your business into the future and lower costs.


Own and organise your data
to drive efficiency and growth by ensuring customer and supply chain data quality, security and availability.


Invest strategically in IT modernisation and managed services
to lower costs, enable agility and invest in new digitally enabled products.


Promote change as a natural part of business evolution
by encouraging a mindset of continuous improvement, learning and forward-thinking


5 recommendations - Consumer services VOC

At CGI, we help consumer services organisations deliver on their brand promise through the best data-driven omnichannel customer experiences.

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