There are currently three payment options available to energy suppliers, with each one presenting their own set of challenges. Standard Credit arrangements present billing demands, additional customer service and the risk of bad debt.  Direct Debit faces new regulatory proposals to avoid and return excess credit build up.  Prepayment has prohibitive costs, and self-disconnections place demand on call centres.


According to Smart Energy GB, 48% of households would be interested in a smart prepayment solution, but approximately, only 16% of households are on prepayment tariffs. This highlights customer appetites for new approaches to energy tariffs and the opportunity for suppliers to reduce the risk of bad debt.

Smart prepayment requires customers to separately top up their electricity and gas meters. Each top up incurs a transaction charge for the energy supplier, costing energy suppliers £35 million in transaction fees, and £52 million in commission payments annually. 

Siemens Managed Credit solution leverages CGI’s Open Banking solution Ordo, to provide energy suppliers with a payment option that reduces both the cost and risk associated with traditional payment options. 

Managed Credit with commission free payment manages energy balances through a Central Wallet, providing energy suppliers with an alternative payment option that delivers prepayment energy without the cost, and credit energy without the risk.

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