This video tells the full story of how we have created a virtual reality (VR) environment in a pro-bono project for Bettridge School, a school for children with Special Educational Needs (SEN). 

The school was finding it difficult to safely expose its students to social interactions and everyday experiences that are a vital part of their education. Working with teaching staff at the school, we developed a web and virtual reality application that allows students to experience social interactions, such as a trip to a supermarket. The application also enables the school to build new scenarios of its own.

At CGI, we are proud to be a responsible business and are committed to a more inclusive and sustainable world.  As part of our commitment, we aim to build relationships with the communities in which our members live and work. This is done through activities such as volunteering, fundraising and pro bono initiatives that use technical knowledge to enable, benefit and create a positive impact for local communities. 

Get in touch to find out how technology can make a difference.