Webinar | Energize your data strategy!

In this free webinar on March 15, 2022, learn how a solid repository where all related data can be easily retrieved can improve productivity and savings in oil and gas upstream operations.

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onshore oil and gas exploration

Unlocking the power of data

Data is a key enabler of digital transformation. Yet, managing and extracting value from data continues to be a challenge for oil and gas companies. CGI is member of The Open Group OSDU™ Forum, a cross-industry collaboration comprising over 200 organizations that has built an open exploration and production data platform to accelerate innovation and transformation in the industry. CGI Pivot is an instant and cost-effective SaaS-based implementation of the OSDU Data Platform that helps you unlock the value of data in minutes and make fast, insight-led business decisions.

How CGI Pivot works

At CGI, we recognize that implementing your own OSDU Data Platform requires significant investment in time and resources. We also understand the need to capitalize quickly on the benefits of the OSDU Data Platform. CGI Pivot provides the subsurface community—from oil and gas operators to renewables organizations to academic institutions—an easy and low risk starting point to explore and migrate to the OSDU Data Platform.

CGI Pivot provides one or more OSDU instances in minutes, with the flexibility to choose your underlying cloud provider. Our data ingestion engine loads data with just a few clicks. The solution can scale to meet your business needs and we provide all operational and technical support, saving you valuable resources. In addition, the solution’s flexible cost base and clear reporting functions help you control your spend on the data platform.

Benefits of CGI Pivot

  • Explore and migrate at lower risk - Easy and low risk start to explore and migrate to the OSDU Data Platform.
  • Lower operational costs - Implemented as SaaS, we provide all operational and technical support, saving you valuable resources.
  • Easy to learn, intuitive to use - Designed and developed with the end user experience in mind, upstream professionals can utilize all its benefits without extensive training and be up to speed in days instead of months.
  • Data synchronization across sites - Synchronization of data across several instances through use of CGI’s Topology Services.
Key features

Provided at minimal operational cost, some of CGI Pivot’s key features include:

  • Alignment to your organization structure through a layered approach that provides a clear overview across your business units, projects and assets, supporting an Agile/DevOps way of working
  • Support of multiple instances through easy, automated and flexible launch of OSDU instances in minutes
  • Easy data ingestion of all OSDU Release 3 datasets with an intuitive point-and-click interface
  • Cloud vendor neutrality so you can choose a cloud provider of your choice
  • Data synchronization across several instances using CGI’s Topology Services
  • Standard data sets such as Volve and UK National Data Repository for petroleum-related information and samples (NDR) data sets
  • Dashboards that provide a clear overview of data volumes used as well as system usage
  • Connection with external data sources for the upload and retrieval of work products
  • Simple to use and learn and does not require extensive training

The Open Group OSDUâ„¢ Forum and CGI

As a member of The Open Group OSDUâ„¢ Forum, we are closely involved in the development of the OSDU Data Platform which aims to provide secure access to all subsurface and wells data, drive fast, insight-led decision making, and empower collaboration and innovation. Our experts can help you prepare for and execute the transition to the OSDU Data Platform. CGI Pivot offers an intuitive user experience, follows OSDU-certified processes and is fully compatible with the OSDU Data Platform. It is aligned with OSDU developments supporting the transition to new energy sources such as gas, and renewable energy sources such as wind and solar.