Use AI to address challenges in manufacturing

How can Artificial Intelligence (AI) be used as a tool to address challenges in manufacturing? There is a lot of talk about digitalization, automation, Industry 4.0, sustainability and AI, but how can we combine these to create business value, economic savings and at the same time work to reduce the impact on our planet? In this webinar we will discuss these topics and share examples with you on how we at CGI have helped customers to do exactly this.


  • How can AI support sustainability in Manufacturing?

  • Potential use cases within manufacturing. 

  • Customer case: Uddeholm – predictive analytics in steel production.

  • Customer case: NDT Global (Halfwave) – predictive analytics for maintenance of pipelines.


Jonas Forsman

Jonas is Director Consulting Expert at CGI in the fields of Data Science and AI. He focus on Applied Research in AI, Machine Learning and Big Data, with a special interest in Explainable AI and Knowledge Representation using Graph Databases. Jonas has also done several innovation projects.

Raymond Anneborg

Raymond has worked with different aspects of information management for more than 30 years and has years of experience from Manufacturing. Raymond has been involved in AI since the end of the 80’s and is one of the Competence Leads in AI within CGI Scandinavia.

Sara Carmo è Silva

Sara works at CGI and has many years of experience of working with sustainability within Manufacturing. She has a keen interest in how digitalization can contribute to development of processes that remove the negative impact on the climate. Sara will moderate the discussions during the webinar.

Simen Tofteberg

Simen has experience in delivering advanced Machine Learning solutions to customers in a wide range of industries such as oil and gas, healthcare and manufacturing. He is passionate about helping CGI's clients increase business value through implementation of state-of-the-art AI.

Ola Axelsson (Uddeholm)

Ola has a background in the steel industry which today has a focus on transformation to a fossil free production and digitalization. He is responsible for strategies, organization and systems for AI. Ola also works with development of energy systems at Uddeholm.

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