From physiotherapy to business consulting, CGI Partner Phil Jones has carved a diverse career path within an amazing team. In this article he explains how training, development, and working on transformative projects has fueled his growth at CGI.

May 2024

From healthcare to consulting: My career switch with CGI

My career journey has taken several turns before leading me to my current position as a consultant in the Business Consulting and Advisory team at CGI in the UK. Although I only started in October 2022, the experiences I've collected along the way definitely prepared me for this role and continue to fuel my growth today.

Embracing change and tackling challenges head-on

Starting off as a physiotherapist, I learned invaluable lessons in empathy, communication, and the importance of asking the right questions. These skills proved transferable as I later moved into process improvement projects within healthcare where I enjoyed piloting digital services - early steps on a path that would later lead me to the tech-forward environment at CGI. My tenure as a regional operations manager honed my leadership and project management skills, as I juggled time management, business prioritisation, and stakeholder engagement.

Leveraging past experiences for present success

The diverse skills from my past have seamlessly translated into the consulting world. My foundation in healthcare has been a cornerstone in my ability to navigate complex engagements and guide digital transitions. These experiences are complemented by my operational management background, which has given me robust organisational skills necessary for the inner workings of CGI.

The driving force behind my career progression

With CGI, diversity of opportunity has been key to rapid career advancement. The culture of encouragement and support to explore new arenas and the access to training resources have allowed me to stretch my capabilities. Bids across varied industries, crafting market propositions, and engaging in corporate social responsibility—I've been involved with multiple tasks and activities, each contributing to my professional narrative.

Rewarding projects and continuous professional development

One standout project I've been involved with since joining CGI was the replacement of a legacy platform with a state-of-the-art, cloud-based system. This initiative allowed me to work closely with experts, gaining insights and building connections that have greatly enriched my professional network. It's been both technically demanding and tremendously satisfying, particularly because of its impact on UK statistical analysis. I've also dipped my toes into change management, stretching my wings across the financial and educational sectors.

A culture of growth: CGI's approach to nurturing talent

At CGI, every project is a new classroom, a new chance to grow. From the get-go, my journey here has been filled with learning curves, supported by formal training programs on our CGI Academia platform. These, along with weekly team sessions, allow for a rich culture of knowledge sharing and personal development. It's not just about the formal training, either; CGI's readily available mentorship and informal learning gatherings make investing in each individual's growth a part of the daily rhythm.

A shift in perspective: Growing beyond healthcare

CGI has transformed the way I view my career. While healthcare was once my sole focus, I've now discovered a world where my skills are transferable. This has stoked my curiosity and expanded my ambitions beyond anything I could have imagined five years ago. I'm inspired to continue diving into new industries, embracing the unknown with the confidence that CGI has instilled in me.

What sets CGI apart: A community

There's something special about working at CGI; it's more than just the opportunities - t's the collaboration, the community, and the recognition of everyone’s contribution. CGI excels at making a global operation feel like a tight-knit family, where flexibility, support, and a share in the partnership empower us to shape the future of technology and service delivery.

I can't emphasie enough the value of having access to a network of specialists. Tapping into our shared specialism communities within CGI has been a game changer. We rally around shared goals, learning from each other, and collectively advancing our expertise. It's the kind of support you dream of in a workplace - one that not only enables personal growth but actively works towards it, every single day.

By sharing my story, I hope to inspire others to embrace the journey, with all its twists and turns, as every step is an opportunity to learn and grow. At CGI, we're not just employees; we're partners, innovators, and lifelong learners who together create a dynamic and rewarding work environment.

If my story does resonate with you, consider looking at opportunities available at CGI.

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