From apprenticeship to recruiter, CGI Partner Lisa Saman discovered a passion for helping people build their careers. Her CGI career journey has been a mixture of growth, exploration, and commitment, leading to a role within our talent acquisition team where she supports hiring in the UK.

July 2024


Starting my career, fresh out of school and joining CGI, I was unaware of the varied journey that lay ahead. It has been a mixture of growth, exploration, and commitment, leading me to my current role within CGI’s talent acquisition team, where I support hiring in the UK.


Discovering a passion for what I do

I initially joined CGI through the apprenticeship programme and worked in various roles including Bid Support, PMO Analyst, IT Support, Change Analyst and Recruitment Coordinator. Each position was a steppingstone that improved my understanding of what I believe to be at the company's core — our people, or “CGI Partners” as we refer to them. This career path paired with my drive to support others led me to the talent acquisition team, in my current role as a Recruiter, where I get the opportunity to promote and match CGI’s unique culture to the talented individuals we’re keen to recruit.


A decade of memorable milestones

To say I’ve been at CGI for a decade out loud, still sounds crazy to me! It’s been a whirlwind of career and professional growth marked with many highlights and learning experiences. What’s really stood out is the range of opportunities that were afforded to me right from the start. My journey to becoming an established team member and CGI partner is testament to the nurturing environment provided here. Having been involved in projects ranging from supporting bids to client-facing initiatives, I value every milestone that has been important to my growth and helped create real value to drive the company's success.


Adaptation and evolution in talent acquisition

Since I joined the team, talent acquisition has seen a significant transformation. We've moved with the times, integrating new technology to streamline processes, relying on data to inform decisions, and refining our candidate engagement to embody CGI's principles and objectives. I have played a role in driving these changes, championing innovations that improve how we attract and retain exceptional talent whilst ensuring the best candidate experience for each prospective member of CGI.


Overcoming industry challenges as a woman in tech

Navigating the technology sector, which is traditionally male dominated, was a little overwhelming and daunting to begin with. However, with support from female leaders and mentors within CGI, those initial feelings have turned into opportunities for growth. Developing a strong professional network and gaining support from other women in the business, rooting for my success, has been key in helping me to achieve my career goals.


Nurturing the next generation of female talent

I firmly believe in the power of self-belief and confidence. My advice to young women eyeing up a career in tech or talent acquisition would be to believe in yourself. Have confidence in your abilities. Be a part of the growth of STEM females and contribute to breaking the status quo.

Companies like CGI are instrumental in fostering the development of women into leadership positions. Through various efforts such as leadership development programmes and unconscious bias training, CGI is not only aware but proactive in cultivating an environment that supports the advancement of women in the industry.


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