Modern slavery violates human rights and destroys communities. Modern slavery takes various forms such as compulsory and forced labour, servitude and human trafficking. CGI is committed to acting in an ethical and transparent way and fully supports objectives to eradicate modern slavery and human trafficking in its business operations and in its supply chains in accordance with the UK Modern Slavery Act, 2015. CGI expects the same high standards of its suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, agency workers, seconded workers, volunteers, interns, agents, contractors, external consultants, third-party representatives, and other parties with whom we do business as part of our supply chain ecosystem (“business partners”).

This policy applies to all persons working for CGI or on its behalf in any capacity at all levels: board directors, officers, executive management, Members and business partners. All CGI Members (employees) and business partners should read, understand, and follow this policy, and take note of CGI’s annual Modern Slavery Act 2015 statement published on the CGI UK website homepage which provides an annual update outlining CGI’s activities to combat slavery. This policy does not form part of any Member’s contract of employment. The policy may be amended at any time.

All CGI Members (employees) and business partners should read, understand and follow this policy, and take note of CGI’s annual Modern Slavery Act 2015 statement published on the CGI UK website homepage which provides an annual update outlining CGI’s activities to combat slavery.