Striving to provide a working environment in which CGI Partners* from all backgrounds can thrive is something we are committed to at CGI. Closely monitoring our Diversity, Ethnicity & Inclusion (DE&I) performance, and taking action where necessary underpins this.

Tara McGeehan

This is our third ethnicity representation and pay gap report and I am pleased that we are reporting a reduction in our overall pay gap, and an increase in representation of ethnic minority background CGI Partners. This increase means that our representation now closely aligns with England and Wales (2021) census figures.

The ethnicity pay gap figures show a reduction in the gap compared to last year, with the mean figure at 6.3%, and the median at 1.8%. The bonus pay gap is wider and reflects the proportion of CGI Partners from an ethnic minority background at more senior levels (where a bonus opportunity is greater) and an increase in ethnic minority representation in junior positions.

Through our range of DE&I initiatives we continue to foster our unconditionally inclusive culture, helping to attract, retain and develop a diverse team at CGI.

Tara - president-cgi-uk-operations

Tara McGeehan – President, CGI UK & Australia

* As a company with a unique ownership culture, we call our employees ‘CGI Partners’ as the majority are shareholders in our company.

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