Andrew Palmer
Andrew Palmer

What is the role of satellite communications in 5G?


Being digitally connected has become one of the most important needs in our modern society. Technology is evolving, continuously providing a better user experience, but there are still challenges to...

Rich Hampshire
Rich Hampshire

Connectivity For A Smarter World


This blog is part of techUK’s ‘Delivering Connectivity for All’ campaign week. It explores the importance of IoT connectivity in delivering intelligent infrastructure and discusses some of the benefits and...

Kelvin Kwok
Kelvin Kwok

Challenger Banks: Intelligent Automation is now


Kelvin Kwok discusses how challenger banks can leverage intelligent automation (IA) to get ahead of some of their rivals. He also explores some of the different ways IA can make...

Andrew Palmer
Andrew Palmer

How to set 5G up for success


5G technology is set to transform communications in the UK, with the government hoping to achieve 100 per cent coverage as soon as 2033. Andrew Palmer explores the considerations for...