Space assets can be a key part of new innovative solutions which solve business challenges in a different way. They could save money, improve reliability or open up new avenues of business.

Space, specifically satellites and satellite data, offers solutions to many business challenges. For example:

  • Satellite navigation is crucial to many future deployments of road user charging

  • Earth observation provides critical information from which long term asset investment decisions can be made

  • Emissions monitoring can often be efficiently performed from space

  • Satellite communications link remote locations to the rest of the world.

Space is often seen as expensive or inaccessible for business users, but many services can be delivered better, faster, or for less cost using satellites. Sometimes it can create unique services that cannot be delivered any other way. Growing at an average of 9% per annum over the last decade, space is one of the fastest growing sectors as more and more businesses realise the commercial benefits it has to offer.

Our Approach

Idea Creation
Often this involves sharing examples of space applications and services to help ‘blue sky’ innovation which can find the best requirements where space could be part of the solution.

Deep Domain Knowledge
CGI has over 35 years of experience of delivering complex, mission-critical space systems and has highly qualified people across the key areas of a space solution; Earth Observation, Satellite Navigation, Satellite Communications and Space Security.

Systems Integration
Developing an application or service often brings together many different technologies and legacy systems. CGI has delivered complex, missioncritical space systems for decades, and has a breadth of knowledge across a vast array of IT systems and technologies in all the major market sectors. The key is being able to bring all this together to offer an easy to use, resilient and secure service to our clients.

Sustainable Service
We can provide a reliable, managed service to host our bespoke solutions and have a proven reputation in this with clients such as the UK Ministry of Defence, University College London Hospital and the UK’s Crown Prosecution Service.

Key Benefits

  • Find your business challenges which could be solved using space technology

  • Develop the ideas to discover the real opportunity

  • Investigate them with the right team to see the value

  • Create the applications with the right team

  • Build a sustainable service in the right business model for you

  • Benefit from over 35 years experience of delivering complex, mission-critical space systems

  • Our software has supported the missions of more than 200 satellites and we have developed space enabled applications for health, transport, public sector, farming, oil and gas, trading, finance, insurance etc.