Our Social Value Strategy outlines how we aim to identify solutions to challenges across ESG and drive real change through our sustainability, strategy, technology, members, and collaborations for future generations.

At CGI, we take a modern definition to social value:

"The positive environmental and social impact we create for the members in our organisation, the communities we operate in, and in our supply chain to ensure we leave the environment and communities in a better place for future generations."

As a leading global business and IT services company, we understand the role we must play in contributing to a sustainable and socially responsible society. Our expertise and support drive better education, health and through our robust social and environmental impact programmes, technical capabilities and broad network we can improve access to opportunities for disadvantaged groups. Our success in harnessing technologies depends on the creation and maintenance of effective partnerships to enable a future that realises the potential of innovation for social impact.

Our dedication to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles is not just a part of our strategy; it is woven into everything we do, reflecting this steadfast commitment to being a responsible business. At CGI, we believe that addressing sustainability is important for creating long-term value and recognise that our key stakeholders expect us to act now to safeguard our future. We will continue to hold ourselves and our suppliers accountable for meaningful improvements in the communities in which we operate. Our strategy delivers on the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals and other standards by working to minimise negative outcomes and support positive social and environmental impacts.