The Coal Authority works to make a better future for people and the environment in mining areas, treating over 122 billion litres of mine water every year to prevent pollution and deals with other mining legacy issues.

In order to understand the impact former coal mining activities may have on residential and commercial properties, the Coal Authority provides a mining report service usually accessed during the conveyancing process as part of a property purchase.

CGI and the Coal Authority partnered to redevelop the mining report service to take advantage of the dynamic market conditions, the opportunity to self-serve and exploit new delivery channels. The solution integrated geospatial and traditional software tools to provide a location-based service delivered through a self-service portal.

“With over 1 million mining reports now issued by the Inferis system it is good to work with a partner that has proactively adapted their service offering to suit our evolving business needs combining both innovation and excellence in service delivery.” Paul Frammingham Chief Finance and Information Officer of the Coal Authority

During the process the use of intelligent business automation, service reuse and corporate data sharing resulted in complex processes being end-to-end automated, which brought about a number of benefits for the end user and the Coal Authority for example, with increased transaction speeds, reports now take minutes, sometimes seconds to produce and resulted in 100% increase in mining report productivity.