CGI is delighted to be sponsoring the Northumbrian Water Group (NWG) Innovation Festival for the fourth consecutive year.
This exciting event – focused on developing innovative thinking and new technologies - will take place entirely online this year, as a digital extravaganza between 14 and 17 September 2020.
The theme of this year’s festival, in the midst of Covid-19 recovery, is ‘Build Back Better’ and, as in previous years, NWG will tackle a range of societal and environmental challenges by applying design thinking techniques with the help of its partners and sponsors. Live streamed into homes over four days of action-packed learning and innovation, festival attendees will be able to choose from more than 30 different online events to join, working together to help solve real-world issues and build-back better.
CGI will be leading the design sprint, entitled:
Save the World
How can emerging technologies and innovative use of data accelerate the North East’s journey
towards Net Zero?
The Sprint will explore how we can collaborate across our communities to harness emerging technologies and use data more innovatively to accelerate our journey towards a carbon neutral society. Find out more. |
Take part in our Survey and help us to prepare for the festival by understanding your views on climate change, carbon neutral targets, and the Net Zero agenda. The results of the survey will help CGI to determine some of the Net Zero challenges facing organisations, to inform the proceedings of our design sprint as well as shape our Net Zero propositions and any future partnership and sales opportunities in this area. The questions should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. |
We look forward to seeing you online between 14-17 September!
Follow us on Twitter @CGI_UKNews and get updates about the event #InnovationFestival20 #CGISprint