As a strategic partner to government, we deliver solutions that help protect the public and safeguard the vulnerable.

We partner with advisors to deliver thought leadership, to influence policy and to deliver transformative solutions. 

Our extensive and flexible ecosystem partnerships allow us to leverage partner and SME capabilities to deliver innovation and best practice.

Delivering modern technology services that underpin UK National Critical Infrastructure

We provide the right insights and intelligence at the right time, designed to keep the public safe and reduce crime, whilst recognising the need for value for money efficiencies. Our public safety experts create the digitally connected, safe and secure processes, tools and services focused on delivering solutions that meet Public Safety priorities.

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Public Safety Advisory

Our experts work tirelessly to offer insights and expertise to get to the heart of your requirements.

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Service and Support

We are proud to offer reliable and trusted delivery services, such as Application Management, and outstanding support from our service desk teams.

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Data to Intelligence

By creating intelligent insights from existing data, we help to reduce risk, threat and harm to vulnerable citizens.

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Security and Cyber

Security is fundamental to everything we do. Our clients rely on us to deliver trusted capabilities that support mission critical services.

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Digital Transformation

We help transform the public safety sector by driving digital transformation through our modern solutions and innovative capabilities.

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Our technology agnostic solutions blend seamlessly with your systems to focus on outcome. 




Two males in a mission control room in front of multiple screens showing black and white imagery of the earth

Police National Database

We designed, built and operate the largest law enforcement digital platform in the world



four people collaborating around a laptop

Disclosure and Barring

We enable the operational services and application management that help manage barred citizens and improve safe recruitment




National Crime Agency

We have created an Intelligent Automation (IA) solution to accelerate management and sharing of intelligence


UK Police officers manage the crowd at an event

Met Police 

We help the Met police get the insights they need to find missing people across the UK and beyond

Frau sitzt auf einer Treppe und schaut in einen Laptop

Project Shield

We are working in partnership to pilot innovative solutions protecting victims of domestic abuse

View of government building across river

Police and Public Protection

We deliver user-centric technology solutions and digital transformation through an open and evolving value chain of partners


For over 40 years we have been working at the heart of UK public safety and law enforcement, driving innovation to help police services meet the challenges of 21st century crime. We have a unique capability, born of the expertise of our people and our experience working across the criminal justice system.

Industry focus and experience
Valuable and measurable outcomes

As a respected partner to law enforcement, secure agencies and safeguarding departments, we have a client satisfaction score of 9.6/10. From prevention to rehabilitation, we power the whole justice system to keep our citizens safe. 

Responsible business at our core

What makes us different is our culture. We are an ethical company who believes in responsible business and doing the rigtht hing by our clients, members and the communities we live in.

Partnership, collaboration and quality

For us, partnership, collaboration and quality are both a philosophy and a way of life. We constantly deepen our understaning of our clients' business and we bring an entire ecosystem to empower you to keep the public safe with the right solution for you. 


Cobbled city street with red phone boxes

UK Policing and Law Enforcement rely on us to translate 5 billion data records into actionable intelligence. 

We help our clients dismantle high harm organised crime seizing > £351m criminal assets and safeguarding 1,150+ children, through modern application development. 

We provide systems and support that enable the management of more than 85,000 barred individuals.