
Resource center

The second podcast in our series exploring User Experience, we look at planet-centred design, the environmental impact of the internet, and how we can decrease our carbon footprint.

The first in our series based on revolutionising Human Centred Design, we explore the impact of AI and what it means going forward. Join our experts as they introduce AI, what it is, how it is revolutionising many industries and...

CGI member Quebei Mitchell explores why non-binary visibility, representation, and inclusion are so important in the modern workplace and gives an insight into their personal experience coming out as non-binary at CGI.

Using cutting edge technologies to help clients drive operational efficiencies and cost reductions within their organisations.

Placing people at the heart of innovation – our comprehensive solutions are designed to drive operational efficiencies and cost reductions for our clients. With a foundation in cutting edge technologies, we delivery tailor made solutions which meet wit our clients...

Dr Janett Adler
Dr Janett Adler

How can design thinking add value to user research?

05 April 2023 Janett Adler explores explores how design thinking where people are at the heart of finding practical solutions can significantly enhance the user research.

Cate Elder

Metaverse: lessons from the CGI Meta Hub

16 September 2022 Cate Elder examines recent experience in the CGI Meta Hub and uses it to reflect on lessons being learned from the continual evolution of the metaverse and the user experience.