On a snowy November day at RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire, seven school teams gathered to test-fly their aircraft and pitch their designs in a Dragon’s Den-style competition. These young students conceived, designed, developed, tested, and delivered innovative solutions aimed at...
In an inspiring display of creativity, innovation, and teamwork, the winners of the CGI and Sea Cadets 2024 Innovate Challenge have been announced! The challenge invited Sea Cadets from across the UK to imagine how they could enhance their Information...
CGI works with media clients and supports gender parity in this industry as in all STEM career paths; that’s why we welcomed the opportunity to sponsor Sister Motion’s media production workshop at this year’s Festival of The Girl, an initiative...
CGI Cyber Escape 2.0 helps educate local communities such as schools and universities to becoming more cyber security aware in a fun interactive environment.
The programme will see CGI work with clients and partners to run a fun and engaging competition for secondary school students aimed at encouraging a passion for a future in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).
We are delighted to announce our partnership with North Wales internet safety charity DangerPoint, as we become proud sponsors of K-os - their friendly interactive alien avatar.
CGI today published its annual Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report, outlining efforts to reduce CO2e emissions, and to support clients in achieving their organizational ESG goals, including through the responsible use of artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies. CGI...