
Resource center

Recognised for our work with the Scottish Borders Council (SBC) Social Care Transformation Programme improving adult social care services. We are thrilled to have won at the Digital Health and Care Awards 2024, organised by Holyrood Magazine. The programme has...

We are proud to announce our new partnership with the Growth Platform – Liverpool City Region as part of our ongoing plans to cement our presence in the North West

We are proud to announce that CGI has become a member of TSA, the UK industry and advisory body for technology enabled care, who work and lobby for the increased uptake of digital solutions and TEC into health and social...

CGI is proud to have secured a new partnership with the employee engagement and well-being tool, Trickle, to support health and care.

We are proud to announce that CGI has become a Strategic Partner of AnalystX, the Future NHS collaboration platform bringing together the data and analytics community virtually to improve patient experience in the health and care sector.

The aim of techUK Interoperability Charter is to guarantee its members commit to ensure their systems become enablers of change and help drive the digital transformation of health and social care.

The aim of techUK Interoperability Charter is to guarantee its members commit to ensure their systems become enablers of change and help drive the digital transformation of health and social care.

The latest swathe of reforms to health and social care are steps in the journey to moving care from hospital to home and focusing on the person at home, pivoting from an illness management to wellness-promoting system. With virtual care...

CGI has established a new National Advisory Board for health and care to support the resolution of major health and care challenges