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CGI has been selected by Market Operator Services Limited (MOSL), the operator of the non-household water retail market in England, to continue management of their core platforms which all trading parties use to initiate and manage bilateral transactions.

CGI UK today announced that Market Operator Services Ltd (MOSL), England’s market operator for the non-household water retail market, has extended its contract with CGI for a further three years. The extension is a reflection on the successful five-year working...

25 May 2018 CGI and MOSL are delighted to have won the Alliancing and Partnership Initiative at the 2018 Water Industry Awards for the Central Market Operating System (CMOS).

10 July 2017 CGI will be leading a group comprising industry, academia, schools and members of the public in a week-long search for a glimpse into the future.

03 April 2017 CGI's release announcing the successful launch of the central market operating system (CMOS) that underpins the world’s largest competitive water market.