
Founded in 1976, the CGI group of companies is one of the largest IT and business process services providers in the world, with 69,000 employees in 40 countries, of which 5,500 are based in the UK. Our business consulting, systems integration and managed services help clients leverage current investments while adopting technology and business strategies that achieve top and bottom line results.

Supply Chain

Like many global organisations, CGI has a very large number of suppliers to support us in delivering the highest service to our clients. Throughout our supply chain, CGI is committed to high ethical standards, promoting safe and fair working conditions and responsible management of environmental and social issues. We believe we have a responsibility and opportunity to encourage sustainable business practices as well as inclusion and diversity among our many suppliers.

Modern Slavery

CGI recognises that slavery is both illegal and unacceptable. As a services  organisation where most of our workers are employed directly by our organisation, we consider CGI to be at low risk. However, removing the risk of modern slavery entirely from the supply chain presents many organisations such as CGI with challenges. The processes outlined in this statement demonstrate how we manage this risk.

Management of Third Parties

Responsible supply chain management is a key part of CGI’s supplier process. Prior to contract and doing business with CGI, every new supplier is expected to adhere to CGI’s Labour, Health and Safety and Environmental standards and CGI’s Third Party Code of Ethics. Suppliers’ acceptance of these standards is documented through their completed Supplier Business Profile.  CGI’s Third Party Code of Ethics has been recently updated to reflect CGI’s best practices and expectations on supplier conduct to ensure that our suppliers are aligned with our vision and goals. It contains requirements with regard to minimum wage, safe working conditions and internationally recognised labour standards including forced labour.

CGI expects its suppliers to meet high standards regarding human rights, the environment and employment issues. To that end, CGI’s Third Party Code of Ethics aims to provide suppliers with the necessary information to make informed business decisions while working with CGI around the world.

In addition, CGI’s UK standard terms and conditions of purchase, make specific reference to human trafficking and slavery laws, to remind CGI’s suppliers that any subsequent subcontractor agreements should also comply with anti-human trafficking and slavery legislation.

CGI Staff Members

Each year, all CGI employees (known as ”Members”) are required to sign up to CGI’s Code of Ethics, in the form of the “Member Commitment” in which (among other aspects relating to business conduct and governance) Members agree to treat all persons with respect and integrity. CGI operates an ethics (whistle-blower) hotline which is available to all employees, suppliers, clients and members of the public through which they can report any concerns or suspicions of modern slavery within CGI’s operations or those of its suppliers.

In addition this is supported by CGI’s ISO 9001-certified Member Partnership Management Framework (MPMF) which governs how we manage our Member relationships. We build strong and long-term relationships with our Members through a prescribed set of activities, including new member orientation and integration, performance and career management, Member satisfaction measurement, as well as one-on-one and team meetings. This approach encourages a collective ownership approach to managing Member relationships and increases Member satisfaction and enhances the working environment, in addition to encouraging Members to identify and report any potential human rights issues.

CGI has communicated to its Members about the Modern Slavery Act, including its definitions of slavery and human trafficking.

This statement is published pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes CGI IT UK Ltd’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the current financial year.

Steve Signature