SMIP for Dummies
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The national roll-out of smart meters is well underway. The Data Communications Company (DCC) has made significant progress with the government’s roll-out of 53 million smart meters to more than 30 million domestic and small business premises since the start of the roll-out in 2016.
Consumers and market participants are already reaping the benefits of second-generation (SMETS2) smart meters, with millions now installed. The DCC has also triggered the enrolment and adoption of first-generation (SMETS1) smart meters onto its secure network, enabling millions of consumers to regain smart functionality and stay smart even if they decide to switch energy supplier.
The focus of market participants now shifts to ensuring their IT systems can operate at scale, refreshing their smart architecture if necessary, reducing cost-to-serve, and using the data from smart meters to provide innovative products and services to consumers.
CGI is the DCC Data Service Provider (DSP) responsible for building and operating the DCC data systems required for communicating with Britain’s 53 million smart meters at full roll-out. We provide DCC users with a turn-key DCC Adapter service for integrating with the smart metering network.
Authored by our smart metering expert, Chris Beard, the 2nd CGI Special Edition of the Smart Metering Implementation Programme (SMIP) For Dummies is your essential pocket guide to this government-driven programme that will see 53 million gas and electricity smart meters installed in more than 30 million premises across Great Britain.