Under pressure to maintain or improve the level of service they deliver within challenging budgetary constraints, NHS organisations need to achieve greater agility, cost efficiency and security in their IT portfolios. No longer is IT simply a means to support the organisation, it is a driver of transformation itself.

Reducing application portfolio costs

Many health organisations are burdened and restricted by their ageing technology, architectural complexity and IT sprawl. This often leads to high maintenance costs, poor alignment with strategic ambitions, and potential exposure to cyber security and clinical safety risks. For some, ā€˜lights-onā€™ costs can account for as much as 90% of their IT budgets. The poor quality and performance of a hospitalā€™s IT portfolio makes it difficult to meet current business demands, let alone adopt new technologies to drive digital transformation. A modern and fine-tuned IT portfolio is a crucial enabler of change and growth. Yet many Health organisations lack the internal resources or expertise to develop an effective method for managing, rationalising and governing their IT portfolios.

Benefits at a glance

Trusts gain critical insight into their IT portfolios which allows them to modernise their legacy systems and transform their business.

  • Enables action through insight
  • Accelerates and streamlines digital transformation and modernisation
  • Reduces operational costs
  • Improves quality, security and business and technical alignment of the IT portfolio
  • Provides a solid governance framework and process model for continuous improvement