CGI OpenGrid360 is an innovative suite of solutions and services designed to improve your data insight and accelerate innovation to meet the evolving demands of the new energy system. It supports the complete network value chain from asset to outage...
Appointing the right Product Owner for your Agile team is an integral step to meet goals and deliver value to your customers. Read the brochure to discover the attributes and skills that make a successful product owner.
Water companies have a large number of remote and unattended sites, many unmonitored by traditional SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) systems.
CGI offers proven experience in renewables management, DERs integration, green hydrogen production control and energy market management.
The decarbonisation of the energy system and the high penetration of DERs quickly transform the landscape of distribution grids. Navigating towards a stable, secure, and resilient distribution system will require significant investment in grid assets and greater insights to address...
The strategic decisions that Australian power utilities make in 2022 are critical to the future of a decarbonised and sustainable energy system. To navigate the journey ahead, you need a technology integration partner that is trusted to do complex things...
CGI is recognised for its ability to successfully deliver end-to-end complex IT and OT security programs. Our cybersecurity services provide accurate, controlled, repeatable, and in-depth findings, including actionable and prioritised recommendations for remediation. Download our services brochure.
Combining advanced analytics and grid monitoring to detect, locate and identify the root cause of power outages before they occur, CGIās MILES allows utilities to improve reliability performance by targeting the minority of feeders responsible for the majority of outages.