Digital Transformation for Racing Clubs

We have transformed some of Australia's largest racing clubs by leveraging technology to successfully digitise business processes and workflows, improving efficiency across the organisation. We have developed new digital platforms that help generate revenue and our unique knowledge of trackside technology solutions and systems integration allows us to completely transform and modernise the racing industry.

Our client stories

Race Integrity
Animal Welfare

Digital tracking, registration and engagement platforms that protect animal welfare.


Racing solutions that support governance and standards and safeguard integrity

Member Engagement

Marketing automation integrations that enable data driven, multi channel member engagement and real-time customer insights

Digital Transformation

Digitally transform any existing organisational process and modernise old business systems.

Horse on shed

Welfare & Integrity

CGI has developed a series of racing technology solutions that support animal welfare and race integrity including our Vet Sampling app and Integrity platform. We deliver better post-racing outcomes, governance, and compliance for your industry. Our welfare and integrity platforms are built and ready to integrate into your organisation as you see fit.

Platform development & integration

Our deep understanding of the racing industry, regulators, and their technical requirements mean we know how to develop relevant new digital platforms. We provide racing technology that improves business operations and promotes the product of racing. Our tailored platforms integrate across industry ecosystems and drive meaningful ROI.

Business people
Man with phone

Data engineering & integration

Our data experts can help to digitally transform, save time and simplify your business by making complex data platforms and transitions manageable, reliable and transparent.

We consolidate, reorganise and integrate your customer data so that you can access it all in one place for easy analysis. By cleaning, reconciling and connecting your data platforms you can can create a single holistic view of a your organisation and its customers.

Digital product development

We help you develop smarter digital products that enhance your organisation and the member experience. By integrating digital, mobile platforms into the racing ecosystem you can digitise all aspects of your business. Our expertise include:

  • Integration platforms for member & regulatory databases
  • Competition & scrutineer platforms
  • Oversight & regulatory platforms
  • Wagering, partner & media integration platforms
Person working on multiple screen