The Commonwealth of Massachusetts reduces cost and increases productivity with CGI Advantage

The Challenge

The Office of the State Comptroller was seeking a new financial and labor cost management system to provide a modern functional and technical platform. By moving to a Web-based architecture they planned to automate operations and streamline business processes to increase productivity and improve access to information. 

How CGI Helped

After a careful evaluation of the marketplace, the Commonwealth selected CGI and the Web-based, built-for-government CGI Advantage solution. A CGI Advantage client since 1986, the Commonwealth would leverage out-of-the-box functionality to modernize their technology, streamline business operations and achieve a more cost-effective baseline functionality

The Results

The Massachusetts Management Accounting and Reporting System (MMARS) went live on time and on budget, and is today one of the largest state-wide, Web-based financial management systems in the country. Building upon its initial successes, the Commonwealth has realized the following benefits from the system:

  • Streamlined processes through automation and workflow
  • Improved tracking, management and analysis of financial data
  • Reduced report printing, storage and distribution costs
  • Reduced cost of maintenance and simplified upgrades
  • Improved collections and increased revenues
  • Increased productivity through real-time interactions

The bottom line: CGI delivered an on-time, on-budget financial and labor cost management solution to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts with CGI Advantage, through client-focus, government expertise and off-the-shelf capability.

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