Resource center

One of the top five automotive manufacturers in the world is turning to a robust, enterprise-wide robotic process automation (RPA) initiative to help achieve these measures. It selected CGI as one of its partners to tackle an ambitious target of...

As the energy landscape evolves rapidly, oil and gas organizations acknowledge the pressing need to reimagine their downstream and upstream operations. They are actively seeking strategic partnerships with consulting firms and digital service providers to chart a comprehensive “digital-powered roadmap”...

Leading research and advisory firm Celent, in its latest Financial Crime Compliance Technology: Watchlist Screening Edition report, gave CGI its top ‘Luminary’ rating for CGI HotScan360 and our related anti-fraud capabilities and expertise.

To help advance gender equity, CGI actively empowers and supports young girls and women to pursue education and careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). Through targeted outreach initiatives and partnerships with clients, communities, and academic institutions, we aim...

To stay competitive in today's fast-paced digital landscape, organizations need to keep their systems up to date through legacy modernization initiatives. These initiatives come with many risks that can compromise their success. Managing and mitigating these risks is essential to...

At CGI, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of resilience and cybersecurity across diverse regulatory landscapes worldwide.

The global energy transition and the need for deep decarbonization of our economies have paved the way for a new age of electrification. This will have a profound impact on the electricity industry compared to the experience of the past...

Découvrez comment les équipes CGI Business Consulting ont accompagné la SNCF dans le renforcement de son dispositif de cyber-résilience

Many factors can impact the mental well-being of individuals in the workplace, from geopolitical events that impact their communities to issues that require attention close to home. By cultivating a supportive and safe workplace culture, providing resources for coping with...