Each year, CGI meets face-to-face with business and IT leaders to hear their views on the trends affecting their organizations. In 2018, we conducted 56 in-person interviews with capital market executives to learn more about their top trends and priorities.

Data overtakes security as top trend

Compared to last year, data analytics has shot up in importance among the capital market executives we interviewed, overtaking cybersecurity as the top industry trend for 2018. In addition, there is an 11% year over-year increase in the attention given to business model innovation, which holds the third spot behind cybersecurity. Capital market executives cited a new trend in the top five this year—the need for automated, low-cost, real-time platforms, which comes in fourth.

Large majority have a defined strategy in place

Seventy percent of capital market firms have a defined digital strategy in place, while 11% are starting to build a strategy. Of those with a defined strategy, 34% have launched, operationalized or are realizing results from an internally focused strategy that extends across the enterprise, while 30% are at similar stages with an enterprise-wide digital strategy that extends to their ecosystem partners.

Cultural change continues as top challenge

The top cited challenges for implementing a digital transformation strategy in 2018 are the same as for last year for capital markets executives. Cultural change and change management remain in the first spot year-over-year, while regulatory compliance has moved up from the fourth to second spot.

Benchmarking internal IT and more

This year, business and IT executives interviewed ranked their satisfaction with their own IT organizations based on 10 key attributes of a world-class IT organization. As a whole, capital market firms rank themselves fairly high compared to other industries in terms of IT satisfaction. Further, there is close alignment between business and IT across all attributes.

CGI can provide clients with a discussion of all available benchmarking, including each client’s positioning, on topics such as digital maturity, IT budgets, IT satisfaction, innovation investments and more.

Discover the insight

Download the 2018 CGI Client Global Insights capital markets summary infographic for additional trend information. We also invite you to request a copy of our full report and to arrange a personal discussion with a CGI expert for further analysis and insights.


Also see the 2017 CGI Client Global Insights industry summaries.Â