Be yourself. Really.

There should be no limits placed on a person’s dreams, aspirations and ambitions. That’s why at CGI we are
unconditionally inclusive. We strive to create an environment where you can always be unconditionally you.
We are more diverse than ever before, yet understand that there is still a way to go. We are committed to actively listening,
effecting changes and creating opportunities for all within our walls, as well as across the broader industry.

number of CGI Partner led network groups
nurturing inclusive engagement
CGI Partners indicated that they identify themselves as ethnic minority background for 2023, compared to 16.2% a year earlier
female representation at CGI, closing
in on the industry average of 26%
Life at cgi-Diversity of thoughts

Because diversity of thought matters

We place diversity, equity and inclusion at the heart of CGI’s values, because we understand the importance and worth that divergent thinking can produce. It means acknowledging, learning and celebrating the huge advantage that having a diverse workforce with different perspectives brings to our business.

It means putting resources into training all CGI Partners, as well as breaking down the barriers which can limit people in minority groups, encouraging curiosity about careers in tech and supporting everyone to reach their full potential.

We are transparent about our progress and use our yearly Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap reports to analyse how we are doing as a business and a sector. Find out more.

No holding back

The doubts people may have about fitting in because of their background, gender, sexuality, race, disability, age, situation
or experience have seen talent passed over. This is why we are constantly working to give everyone the confidence to

I am not good enough

Yes you are. Read Joe’s story.

I don't have those skills

We can train you. Read Nicola’s story. .

I am not even techy

Neither was Niamh. Read her story..

Thinking differently, together

CGI’s community of CGI Partner-created and led networks thrive around shared experiences and common bonds. Our networks ensure that everyone at CGI is able to feel seen, represented and receive encouragement and support. They foster inclusivity and celebrate difference. All are welcome to join – and ally membership further raises awareness.

Here’s a flavour of some of CGI’s DE&I networks.

Thinking Differently together - Life at CGI
neuroverse network

Neuroverse network

“You go your whole life thinking you’re weird and different – the Neuroverse Network is the opposite. You find your people and your place of belonging.”

womens network

Women’s network

“Our Women's Network helps ensure women get every opportunity to thrive.” Find out more.

bame network

REACH (Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage) network

“It’s a hugely welcoming space, a place where all CGI Partners can participate. The members come from a huge range of different cultures and backgrounds.”

LGBT Network

LGBT+ network

“We’ve just launched a ‘glitter and gossip’ club which is a safe place to talk - we know the path can be confusing if people don’t have anyone to speak to.”

Disability Network

Ability network

“From helping to make physical adjustment through to offering mental health support, our network is there to support CGI Partners and ensure they don’t feel alone.” Find out more

Uniformed Service Network

Uniformed Services network

“Ex-uniformed CGI Partners may miss something from their time in service and it helps to reconnect with that from their past and background.” Find out more

Empowering diversity

New networks that support and promote the richness of voices and experience across our organisation are being formed right now.

Explore more of our networks


Young Professionals NetworkYoung Professionals Network

The next generation of tech talent will be more inclusive, more diverse and more empowered from the get go. Our Young Professionals Network offers inspiration and support to help you shape an exciting career with real world impart. There's never been a better time to get involved at CGI.                                                                        


Explore early careers

Join a place where you can be unconditionally you.

Search job roles