All change for climate gains

As the impact of climate change grows, it is clear that no business will remain unaffected.

Whether due to the impact that climate change will have on operations, the introduction of new climate-related legislation, or the new behaviours that are now expected by customers and the wider public, the time for organisations to adapt and act is most definitely now.

Across the world, there is a growing momentum of businesses, public bodies and cities recognising the benefits of a purposeful commitment to net zero; whilst protecting our people and our planet, we can increase competitiveness, stimulate innovation and enhance business value.

So, in addition to refreshing our own corporate Responsible Business strategy including our SBTi verified net zero targets, we wanted to share our knowledge to help others, specifically our clients and partners.


A new advisory built on established expertise

We are well versed in doing complex things well, so the process of guiding our clients through the complexity of sustainable practices in response to net zero is a very natural development.

Our new Sustainability & Climate Change Advisory provides the expertise and experience that our clients need in order to help create clear sustainability strategies that align with their organisational visions, values, people and processes. 

Heading up the new advisory practice is Howard Gray. His industry experience across FMCG, utilities, agriculture, real estate, hospitality and manufacturing (in both the public and private sectors) has seen him working extensively to define a broad range of CSR/ESG initiatives that have driven transformational change for stakeholders and clients, always with a focus on delivering sustainable business value and profitable growth. 


The power of partnership

Speaking about the importance of working in partnership for our planet, Howard explains:

“In the case of net zero, leadership is not just about getting your own house in order. It's about using size and scale to influence peers, share experience, engage supply chains and provide transparency to customers enabling them to make informed decisions. It's a collective ambition, where technology, co-creation and proactive engagement between partners and competitors will need to be embraced. Collectively delivering a solution to slow the advance of climate change sits outside the traditional boundaries of competition; it's a common language to drive collaboration.”

The team are working with a broad range of clients from within the public and private sectors, from those SMEs just starting their responsible business journeys, to those more mature clients who need support with a particular piece of sustainability reporting, change or project management.

Drawing on CGI’s rich heritage of leading digital transformation, the team are particularly focused on the sustainability of digital solutions, and how digital can enable positive sustainability outcomes for clients.


CGI’s four-step approach

Specifically, Howard and his team use a four-step approach with clients:

  1. Assess – Research, competitor insight, discovery workshops and broad stakeholder engagement to identify which areas of sustainability and responsibility are relevant and will have the greatest organisational impact.
  2. Plan – Establishing a clear strategy by defining the current state and future vision, and aligning with stakeholders. Identifying baseline sustainability KPIs/metrics and developing science-based targets (SBTs).
  3. Perform – Delivery of a sustainability reporting and communications narrative, compliance with regulatory instruments, performance benchmarking against peers together with embedding change into business as usual.
  4. Sustain - Ongoing programme support by validating performance and disclosure through verification, optimisation of data management practices, analysis of value chains and periodic assessments to ensure relevance and performance against objectives.


Sustainability Advisory in the context of CGI UK’s Responsible Business strategy

We are extremely proud of being a responsible business; this is something that ensures our absolute commitment to a more inclusive and sustainable world. We believe that all businesses have an obligation to act responsibly, a belief that is reinforced by our CGI Dream:

"To create an environment in which we enjoy working together and, as owners, contribute to building a company we can be proud of." - The CGI Dream

The development of our new Sustainability & Climate Change Advisory reflects this commitment, and is an area of work we hope will benefit many of our clients, and ultimately the climate over time.


Find out more about CGI‘s new Sustainability & Climate Change Advisory Services and our wider Responsible Business strategy, or contact Howard Gray, Director Business Consulting – Sustainability & Climate Change.