• CGI supplies the UK’s Indirect Fire Support command and control system - our applications have automated many operational functions to improve speed, safety and accuracy. We are improving the portability and functionality of the Fire Control Application and platform.

  • Delivering a range of services across the MORPHEUS programme including providing advisory services for the Morpheus System House programme, developing Information Management Service for Morpheus Evolve-to-Open programme and supporting the build and maintenance of FDG nodes for the MOD BLOS programme as part of Morpheus.

  • Provided innovative processing solutions that enable information to be exchanged on a airborne ISTAR platforms. We are working with the MOD to de-risk a highly complex SIGINT programme.

  • Selected for Intermolar, the next step for  Defence Medical Information Capability Programme (DMICP), We centralised over 400,000 records used by 2,500 concurrent users doing up to 20,000 consultations per day. Intermolar is available around the clock to medical and dental centres everywhere the UK Military are operating.

  • Delivered the Whole Hospital Information System as a UOR under challenging conditions at Camp Bastion field hospital in Helmand Province, and achieved initial operating capability within 4 months.

  • Has been providing the UK’s codification system for over 10 years.

  • Provides secure hosting for the UK’s Joint Asset Management (JAMES) programme.

  • Trains military personnel on UK bases to forward locations in operational theatres – in how to use systems such as medical, cyber security and artillery fire control.

  • Part of the Leonardo Icarus TDP delivery team, bringing our expertise with Open Electronic Architectures and the information requirements of Land Systems (defining a new architectural standard for Active Protection Systems. As part of the Warrior Capability Sustainment Programme (WCSP), we designed, built and delivered into trials the Warrior 2 electronic architecture using CGI OpenLand360. CGI OpenLand360 connects all the electronic systems and many of the hardware components using a Generic Vehicle Architecture (GVA) compliant EA.

  • CGI and Dstl demonstrate the use of robots to support troop operations. We have integrated the control and monitoring of multiple unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) into the CGI OpenLand360 platform. Regular soldiers quickly got used to using the UGVs in search and targeting roles, speeding up operations without putting soldiers in danger.



Supporting our Armed Forces

We’re a forces-friendly organisation

CGI is proud to uphold the Armed Forces Covenant and support the armed forces community. We recognise the contribution that service personnel both regular and reservist, veterans and military families make to our organisation, our community and to the country.


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UK Armed Forces