Central government

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Lee Almond
Lee Almond

The never-ending story of technical debt and how to remediate sustainably

19 June 2024 Technical debt is a never-ending challenge with on-going remediation work. In this blog, CGI’s Chief Data Officer, Lee Almond explores areas which can be avoided to help deliver tech debt and data debt remediation to reach your digital transformation ambitions.

CGI (TSX: GIB.A) (NYSE: GIB), one of the largest independent IT and business consulting services firms in the world, has been selected by the UK Government’s Home Office as the Technology Delivery Partner for the Emergency Services Mobile Communications Programme...

Central government suppliers deliver an array of services all of which directly impact the lives of citizens and in the era of the Social Value Act, social value obligations have created another aspect in which to deliver positive impact to...

Lee Almond
Lee Almond

Data Governance – the key to AI and Machine Learning implementation

02 April 2024 Although AI and Machine Learning are hot topics for today’s organisations, to deliver these implementations successfully, it is key to ensure your data is well governed.

CGI has been selected by the UK Government’s Cabinet Office as a Strategic Delivery Partner for the Cabinet Office Digital (CO Digital) department. The five-year contract is valued at $162 million (£100 million).

The programme will see CGI work with clients and partners to run a fun and engaging competition for secondary school students aimed at encouraging a passion for a future in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).

CGI explores the use of Soroco Scout AI, a key tool used to help public sector and government clients turbocharge their transformation programs and provide valuable insights