GPDR-Cyber security and protection of personal data General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a key component of cyber security, ensuring the protection of private and sensitive data. April 2016 saw GDPR approved by the European Parliament. The GDPR or equivalent...
Barron McCann (UK) Barron McCann Limited is a leading UK provider of IT services and products for the retail, Government and industry sectors. For over thirty years, they have been leading the way in the delivery of commercially compelling, service...
Fronter Fronter is the leading European provider of the Virtual Learning Environment, which is used by millions of teachers and students at thousands of learning institutions around the world. This success has been due to their strong emphasis on user...
bss is the friendly voice behind many UK government and commercial telephone help and support lines including healthcare, the 2011 Census, HM Revenue and Customs and the BBC. They provide a reliable and secure service for both their clients and...
The MOD needed an electronic, medical and dental health records system accessible from any military location, anywhere.