Energy networks

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CGI’s DCC Adapter enables SSEN to publish aggregated half-hourly consumption data from smart meters via the DCC on a daily basis.

CGI partners with ESO, the Welsh Government and system stakeholders to create a digital twin of the whole electricity network that will accelerate Wales’ transition to net zero and benefit local communities

Network operator Stedin has chosen CGI and our partner, software developer IQGeo , for the development, implementation, maintenance and management of 'BMR Mobile'; a mobile solution for the Company Asset Register (BMR Mobile). This register is an important source of...

National Grid has partnered with CGI to assist in the delivery of a new project which will find innovative ways of using smart meter data to help equip the electricity network for the mass connection of low carbon technologie

The Smart Metering Implementation Programme explained further in the second edition of our popular For Dummies guide.

‘Lessons for the DSO transition’ article on Utility Week by Rich Hampshire explores the challenge of balancing risk with necessary innovation and the need to find new ways of engaging with stakeholders during the DSO transition

DSO For Dummies, CGI Special Edition, is the latest book in CGI’s For Dummies series and the essential guide to what is driving electricity distribution network operators to transition to become distribution SYSTEM operators. Download your copy now!

SP Energy Networks has partnered with CGI to assist in delivery of its Smart Data Integration Fabric (SDIF) project a key enabler not only for its transition to Distribution System Operator, but crucially to help it support its communities and...

An exclusive research report on the industry’s experience of Demand Side Flexibility reveals a market in its infancy.