Energy networks

Resource center

Rich Hampshire
Rich Hampshire

Application of Digital Twins in accelerating the energy transition

2023-10-17 According to the World Resources Institute, 73% of all greenhouse gas emissions accrue from consumption of energy, and almost 30% are created by energy use in buildings and road transport. It’s therefore no surprise that the energy transition is at...

Rich Hampshire
Rich Hampshire

Paving the path to a digitalised energy system

2021-07-01 Rich Hampshire discusses the key outcomes identified in our latest research report with Utility Week, which explores what digitalisation strategies are required to enable the current energy transition and accelerate the journey towards net zero.

Rich Hampshire
Rich Hampshire

A game changer for net zero: Climate-related Financial Disclosures

2021-01-14 Nothing happens without investment. The Climate Related Financial Disclosure will ensure that ‘doing the right thing’ to fight climate change is no longer a trade-off but the right thing to do economically.

Pulina Abeywickrama
Pulina Abeywickrama

Race to net zero - Making sense of the jargon

2020-10-05 Whether you are just starting out on your net zero journey, or want to take your sustainability strategy to the next level, time to get clarity on what all of the jargon really means.

Alan Griffiths
Alan Griffiths

The future of Energy Services: time for a step-change in data use for customer experience

2020-06-08 The future of Energy Services is packed with new technology and constant digital innovation with use of data at the heart of the customer experience. Undoubtedly, Systems Integrators (SIs) have a big role to play to help energy suppliers make...