Internet of things

Resource center

Alan Nunn
Alan Nunn

Innovation in Action – Connectivity enables the step changes we all need

2022-09-07 We all understand how important fixed and mobile broadband connectivity is, but are we fully realising the benefits for individuals, communities, businesses, and our planet? Faster broadband is just the start. Lower latency, high reliability and ubiquitous coverage enable so...

Carwyn Cook
Carwyn Cook

Small place, huge potential: The role of Smart Campus as a proving ground for Smart Place innovation

2022-07-18 In many areas, local authorities are exploring the potential of Smart Place technologies to improve outcomes both for citizens and for the local economy. At the other end of the scale, we find Smart Campus – but what exactly is...

Rich Hampshire
Rich Hampshire

Race to net zero - Why data (and a plan) are the key to winning the race

2020-10-12 To beat climate change and reach net zero targets, private and public organisations need to focus on data and build an actionable game plan.

Pulina Abeywickrama
Pulina Abeywickrama

Race to net zero - Making sense of the jargon

2020-10-05 Whether you are just starting out on your net zero journey, or want to take your sustainability strategy to the next level, time to get clarity on what all of the jargon really means.

Alan Nunn
Alan Nunn

Why now is the right time to take IoT seriously

2020-07-08 The Internet of Things (IoT) has been the subject of countless forecasts that predict exponential growth of devices and data generated. What has been missing is the “so what?” and real use cases showing how the technology will make a...

Stuart Brand
Stuart Brand

How IoT can create a sustainable future for water

2020-06-30 For over 30 years, CGI has been leading innovation in the water sector and is currently pioneering the Internet of Things (IoT) smart technology for water companies. As water shortages loom, CGI explores how using IoT will help create a...

Bill Shurvinton
Bill Shurvinton

Riding the IoT Hype Cycle

2015-02-05 As you may have seen from recent coverage, there is a huge amount of hype surrounding the Internet of Things (IoT). The July 2014 Gartner Hype Cycle for the Internet of Things states that ‘Overall, the IoT Hype Cycle is...