Internet of things

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CGI joined Digital Catapult for the launch of Northern Ireland’s largest 5G testbed, set to supercharge smart manufacturing and education in the region

CGI is delivering ground-breaking 5G testbed facilities in Northern Ireland to supercharge smart manufacturing and education in the region over the next five years.

CGI will join Northumbrian Water once again at the company’s Innovation Festival, which will take place entirely digitally, between 14-17 September 2020. This year marks the fourth consecutive year of CGI sponsorship and our design sprint will focus on the...

CGI and Northumbrian Water come together again at the water company’s Innovation Festival this summer with a new challenge: “How can we enhance rural communities and the environment using Emerging Technologies?”

Rich Hampshire, VP Digital Utilities, CGI UK, describes how the Internet of Things (IoT) can help us smooth the path to having many more electric vehicles on our roads and all the benefits that brings.

Provides a comprehensive guide, including innovative case studies on IoT, what it is and how it can benefit organisations

The Times and CGI – talking about the Internet of Things (IoT) The Times, in association with Raconteur Media, launched a 16 page report on one of the hottest topics facing businesses today - the Internet of Things. Published on...