On a snowy November day at RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire, seven school teams gathered to test-fly their aircraft and pitch their designs in a Dragon’s Den-style competition. These young students conceived, designed, developed, tested, and delivered innovative solutions aimed at...
In an inspiring display of creativity, innovation, and teamwork, the winners of the CGI and Sea Cadets 2024 Innovate Challenge have been announced! The challenge invited Sea Cadets from across the UK to imagine how they could enhance their Information...
We are delighted to announce our partnership with North Wales internet safety charity DangerPoint, as we become proud sponsors of K-os - their friendly interactive alien avatar.
In an exciting industry where opportunities for the future are always evolving, our youth STEM initiatives give students across the country a chance to start discovering the possibilities for themselves. DevOps Engineer Sam Faria is one of our CGI STEM...
At CGI, we’re passionate about encouraging young people to explore careers in STEM. Andrew Peck does an incredible job as one of our STEM Ambassadors for young people - here’s why he loves it.
CGI and Inmarsat hosted five prize winners from Therfield School, Leatherhead at our London Headquarters following an interactive day of fun and engaging STEM workshops. The prize winners visited both CGI’s London office in the famous walkie-talkie building and the...
Young Dreamers was originally launched in 2022 to build upon existing work in STEM education and to establish lasting relationships with schools in regions local to the offices and operations of CGI and its clients. Beginning with London and the...
At CGI we are proud of being a Responsible business and are committed to a more inclusive and sustainable world. Find out what Responsible business means to members across our business.
At CGI, we are proud to commit to the Young Person’s Guarantee and join employers across Scotland in creating opportunities for young people.