
Resource center

CGI one of the world’s largest business and IT consulting firms, has been named a Leader in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Service Providers for Utilities Customer Operations*.

CGI has been selected by Market Operator Services Limited (MOSL), the operator of the non-household water retail market in England, to continue management of their core platforms which all trading parties use to initiate and manage bilateral transactions.

CGI has been awarded a five-year partnership with SGN, one of the UK’s biggest utility companies.

Mr Sharma learned about CGI’s involvement in managing Critical National Infrastructure projects, including work for the UK Government, Policing and Energy and Utilities industry.

The five-year extension will further extend our 21-year relationship and we continue to deliver a wide range of IT services supporting Elexon’s digital transformation strategy.

The integration and delivery partnership will support a smooth, more efficient roll out of fibre broadband across the UK.

CGI, alongside partner Hydro-Québec, is partnering with UK Power Networks to introduce the Intelligent Maintenance of Electric LineS (MILES) network fault location solution to the UK

CGI has been awarded a contract by the European Space Agency (ESA) to develop an innovative 5G facility at the European Centre for Space Applications and Telecommunications (ECSAT)

The relationship will see CGI combine its multi-industry and advisory expertise with Wordnerds’ unique software platform to create a new offering.